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Using the app
How to use the current functionalities
How do I explore the learning journey?
How do I explore the learning journey?
What are Correction Decisions?
How do I record activity in the NowPatient Diabetes app?
What blood sugar readings is the app showing me?
When should I not use NowPatient?
How does activity affect my blood sugar?
How do I see my past blood sugar in NowPatient Diabetes?
What happens if I change insulins?
I don't have a CGM, can I use NowPatient Diabetes?
How do I track my insulin in NowPatient Diabetes
How do I record a meal / snack?
How do I set a carb range for a meal / snack?
How do I find what I dosed before for a meal?
How do I record correction doses?
How do I record rapid acting insulin?
Why should I add blood sugar when recording a meal or snack?
How do I confirm a background dose?
How do I create a background routine?
How do I record a background dose?
How do I delete a food or insulin action?
Can I use the app if I don’t take insulin?
How do I record macronutrients in the NowPatient Diabetes app?
What happened to my portion sizes?
How do I use patterns in NowPatient Diabetes?
How do I pause notifications?
How do I set up insulin notifications?